Father's Day 2013

So Father's Day this year was last Sunday. I was watching a TV show online and I was kinda' surprised that the male hosts of the show were asking as to who actually 'invented' [started?] Father's Day. It seems my hubs is not the only that thinks it's another marketing ploy. True that....of course. Ha! Anyhoo...even if hubs thinks that way, the little one [and with a little, okay big prodding from moi] always tries to come up with something special for Dad on this day. In the past we gave him a memory picture book, a frame with a series of pictures, a mug and a couple of home videos for FD.

 I try not to spend [a lot] on the gifts because like I said, he doesn't agree with the 'marketing ploy' that comes along with these so-called special occasions. I guess we've succeeded in doing just that...not falling for all the marketing ploys that stores put out months before. How? The little one has been making homemade gifts using her drawing skills. Last year she gave him a drawing cluster. That's when she draws tons of her favorite characters on a big piece of sketch pad. Dad loves those clusters so much so that he framed a few of them already. The one he got from last year's FD is proudly hanging on our bedroom wall since the day he got it. This year, she made the same clusters but with a little twist. It's a caricature of the 3 of us. She also made a couple of smaller ones of just Daddy alone. And just as I thought....Dad loves all of the presents...and that's all that counts on Father's Day!


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