Filling Up

...another box to send back home. They just got the box I sent about a month ago and here I am trying to accumulate stuff to put in another box. This one won't go until before Christmas though. Right now I have a lot of DVDs to send because my brother requested for them. He also requested me to look for cheap cigars if I can. At first I said no because I've been telling him to stop smoking already but it's not for him he said. He's giving them to his subordinates as gifts. I guess they're for the holiday season already. I'm looking but I didn't promise him anything. If I find them, then I'll get some. If not, then so be it. Anyway, t will take me months again to fill up this box that's why I usually give myself months to do that. It's quite hard on the budget as well. All for the love of family, eh?


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