Tough Times

Very few people can say that they're not going through tough times right now...economically speaking anyway. Sadly, many are getting hit harder than others simply because of the choices they make during these challenging times. Unfortunately I know of some people who are in such situations. One of them is on the verge of filing for bankruptcy and she's panicking just thinking about it. I know nothing about bankruptcy but I had the impressions that the laws will be the same everywhere in the country. Apparently not. As it turns out south dakota bankruptcy laws are different from that of our state's bankruptcy laws or in other state's as well. Anyway, when I spoke with this person, the only advice I can give her is to make sure she weighs all of her options before filing. It may look like it's an easy way out for now but it has repercussions as well that may hound her down the road. I can only hope she makes the right decision.


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