No Rain?

Well, it doesn't seem like it anyway. Maybe it will happen tonight just like yesterday.

TGIF! The little one got very excited earlier when she realized it's already Friday. She said that it felt like the week went by really fast. I guess it did. She likes the weekend a lot because she can 'usually' do the things she wants to do during these 2 days. We haven't been going anywhere much the past couple of weekends because our driver has to work. Yep, our chauffeur has a day job. Tee hee...

So what are you up to this weekend? I'm up to something....weeding, maybe? I have these lilies in the back of the house that I planted a couple of years ago. We were about to throw them away because they weren't thriving where we originally planted them but instead I decided to transplant them. Well now they're thriving. They hibernate during the cold months and come back in spring. Right now they're starting to have leaves. I have to weed around them before the 'gardener' [aka hubby] starts mowing them. He doesn't see them amidst all the weeds so he asked me to clean the surrounding areas so he doesn't have to mow around them. I may also pull out the weeds from around our big trees in the backyard. Again, the 'gardener' has been hinting that the weeds there are overtaking. I may just give in and weed...that is if he has to work this weekend. If not...then who knows what we'll be doing.

Have a great weekend everyone...


J said…
Ang weather masyadong unpredictable. Biglang Fall temps kami dito yesterday, I couldn't believe I needed a jacket.

Sobra ka namang busy sa pagiging assistant gardener. Dapat kasi maging chauffer ka na rin para lumarga kayo ng aking pamangkin pag Sabado.

Enjoy the weekend. hopefully hindi kayo ulanin. Take care.
Ciela said…
Ay, envious ako sa weeding job mo! Here kasi, there's no lawn for weeds to grow, only tiny plant box for my plants. huhu..

I agree with J! Learn to drive na and take over the steering wheel para you can go anywhere even if the official chauffeur isn't available. :)

Wish you'll have a bright sunny weekend Huling! Enjoy!

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