Summer Nights

Sounds like a title of a song, yes? But it's not...or maybe it is I'm just not aware of it.

Anyway, this post is actually "inspired" by a question posed by a very dear friend [hi Ate Beng!] a few days ago. She wanted to know if 8:30 PM here looks more like 5 PM in the Philippines. The answer is...pretty close. Although it may be a little bit darker. Maybe. But just to give you a glimpse of what 8:45 looks like here, I decided to take a picture of the sky last night. It was a spur of the moment decision...for fun just for you, yes you Ate Beng. Hahaha...

Here's that pic...that I took from our back porch.

As you can see in the picture, the road is still visible. There are no night lamps there so the light is all coming from mother nature.

When I visited my friend in California [a couple of years before I migrated here], I was kind of shocked to see how bright it was when we got out of the airport. Why? Because it was past 8 PM already. I expected to see lights from high rises but nothing like that because it was like daylight still at that time. So when I got here a few years later, it was no longer a surprise for me. Growing up, I remember that our 'curfew' from playing was between 5 and 6 PM. That's because back home it starts to get really dark at that time. If we're not in the house by 6, my Tatang would be looking for us already. It wasn't hard to find us because our playground back then was the church ground which is not that far from our house. My father could whistle and we'd hear it sometimes. That's actually how he'd call us back herding little cows, eh? Haha.


Ciela said…
Oh wow! Touched naman ako at nag-post ka pa talaga ng pic to satisfy my own curiosity! Super thanks! Parang very late afternoon lng pala dito sa min, hane?

Naku, talagang play to the max pa ang mga bata dito, (tulad mo nun) pag ganyan pa kaliwanag ang paligid. Ganun din kasi ako, many decades ago (Ang saya, di ba?)

Again, many thanks for this post with special mention. Higpit hug!

J said…
Oh ha.... Talagang na-satisfy ang curiosity ni Tita B.

Tuks, ang late ng curfew ninyo kasi kami nun, 4 p.m. Tapos na ang playtime, pag weekend. Pag weekdays naman walang playtime. Ganyan ka strikto ang madir, palibhasa twister... Pero sa amin lang naman hahaha. I wonder if she would have been that strict if she actually taught in formal setting.

Sizzling hot dito, but kakalagpas lang ng thunderstorm , bumabalik na naman ang sun.

Hope your day is going well. :-)

J said…
Ay naku ano yun? Twister hahaha. Etong aking sulatan ini-spell check ako. I wrote titser na naging twister hahahaha.

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