The Weekend's Over?

Did it even come? I guess it did because I'm tired! Yep, that seems to be the norm around here after the weekend. The little one even asked me while we're having breakfast if I felt the same way, meaning tired and sleepy, when Monday came when I was still in school. My reply was 'of course!'. I have to assure her that it's normal. Come to think of it, we should be all vibrant and full of life on Mondays, right? Instead we are sluggish and tired and sleepy and....[insert here all the not so good feelings we get when Mondays come rolling in]. Not fair for Monday I must say. And Fridays....we're all vibrant and happy...after a full week of nothing but work. Hmm....kinda' ironic if you ask me.

I can go on and on here about my anti-Monday rants but I won't. Instead I'll go on with my other rants. Nah...just kidding.

We finally had a full weekend spent together. The man of the house didn't work so we were able to go somewhere after a long time....the frozen yogurt store. Yeah for the little one. Actually it's a double yeah for her because she got an unexpected present from us...for no specific occasion. We got her a Samsung Note 8. We didn't tell her it's hers but she kind of figured it out right off the bat. I have a tablet and Dad has a Samsung phone which is like tablet as well. Still we played it coy when she casually [?] asked who it's for. Dad configured it as soon as we got home and handed it to her afterwards. Her first reaction: I'm such a spoiled child, aren't I? We just laughed, of course. She hasn't really used it much because just like her other gadgets, this latest gadget stays with me during the week. She can only use it for school related stuff on the weekdays and play with it over the weekend. Yep, that's the teacher in me talking.

Anyway, I have to get off here to start doing some 'work'. Here's wishing everyone a great week ahead!


J said…
a spoiled child, indeed! question: anong difference ng note versus tab? I know, it must be a dumb question but this non-techy has been just can't seem to comprehend a lot of these newfangled things.

mid-week na ulit in a few hours. ang bilis noh?
Ciela said…
Spoiled nga ang bata! At Samsung Note 8 pa! Sayang, weekdays lang ang games! hehe..Well, that's what she gets for having own mom as her very own teacher. No choice but really be disciplined. Good job Mommy Huling!

Happy mid-week!

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