
It's Halloween week. Unlike the past 11 Halloweens we're not as excited because we won't be doing any trick or treatin' this time around. As I mentioned in my earlier post this is the first year our not so little one won't be donning a costume. I didn't think much of it before but now that it's getting close I'm actually getting a wee bit sad. This is just one of the proofs that she's indeed a grown-up already. She's actually at that awkward stage when even she herself is not sure if she's a grown up already or still a little girl. Oh well. I didn't think Halloween will make me sentimental. Ugh.

Here in our neighborhood only a few houses put up decorations for Halloween. One of them is actually right across the street. They put up lights around their house and set a huge pumpkin blow-up in their front yard. I'm sure there are more decors by their front door and probably in their house but we can't see those from where we're at. The little one likes the lights of course but she likes the Christmas decors more. She said she can't wait to see the Christmas decors and so do I. Also, there are more houses around here that put up bright lights and decorations during the holiday season. Our next door neighbor actually covers the entire fence of his house with lights and put some deer and the Nativity scene on their front lawn. So yeah, after this week I'm excited to start seeing the holiday season decorations that will start popping up around here.

Anywhooo....I hope you have a great week ahead. If you're going door to door trick or treating with the young ones, make sure to take extra pre-cautions. You can never be too safe, right?


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