Fall-like Temps!


We still get mid to higher 80s most days but the mornings are getting cooler [colder to me] as the days go by. I can feel it every morning when the husband leaves for work and everytime I go out in the back porch to do my hula hooping. I may have to take my hula hooping indoors pretty soon because I don't really like the cold breeze hitting me when I'm perspiring. It feels comfortable for now. I'll wait and see if it's time for me to 'relocate'...my hula hooping venue, that is.

It's Thursday already. It looks like we won't be able to go anywhere far this weekend because our driver has to work. Some 'rush' jobs came in earlier this week so they have to come in over the weekend to work on them. Hubby couldn't be any happier because it's been kind of slow the past several weeks as far as the in-flow of work is concerned. Well, that's about to change because they're expecting a lot of it in the coming months. Our road trip is still up in the air but knowing him, we may just take off without any warning. Like I said before, that's more to my liking because I tend to overthink the preps for a trip. At least if it's unplanned, I don't feel any guilt if I forget to bring, say a toothbrush. Ha! Anyway, hubby wants to go on a road trip during the time when the leaves are changing colors so that would be between now and December? Last time we went, it was ALMOST that time of the year but not quite. This time around we want to make sure that we'll see a lot of pretty colors along the way. Fingers crossed!


J said…
Hay buhay, hanggang ngayon wala pa din akong hula hoop. Perennial na pabaya hehe. Enjoy your fall like temps. Dito sa bandang amin, bearable the past few days kaya happy ang gurang.

Hope your Martes is going great. Busy ba sa werk?

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