A New Post

How original is my title, eh?  Anything that has 'new' in it is in because it's the new year. Ha!

I was MIA here for about a week now because I was down with something. Yep, I welcomed 2014 in bed, well mostly on the couch actually, feeling a wee bit under the weather. I wouldn't go into details but let's just say I was pretty much useless for a couple of days. It's a good thing there was nothing urgent that needed my attention. We don't do anything special here to welcome the new year and this year wasn't so different so I wasn't forced to put up a brave face to welcome 2014. No Media Noche to prepare like what I'm used to when I was growing up. Even back then I was actually too lazy to stay awake and wait. The running joke in the family then was I would be sleeping the whole year round because I was sleeping when the new year arrived. My mother would try to wake me up a few minutes before midnight. Sometimes she succeeded, most time, not quite. This NYE, hubby and I stayed up late laying in bed watching on TV when the ball dropped in Times Square. As soon as it's done, we went to sleep. Very exciting, eh? The little one was already in lalaland by then.

Our Christmas on the other hand was celebrated very differently this time around. We drove all the way to PA to celebrate it with the husband's side of the family. It was my and the little one's first time to visit that state and it was very exciting. We stayed there for a full week and we experienced our first snow together as a family. Hubby grew up there so he experienced snow many times over before this one. Obviously it's the little one that had the most fun even if it was bone chilling...to me anyway. I also had fun since it's a first for me but I can safely say that I'm glad I don't live in those states where it snows. So there, I said it.

Well, that's it for now. I'll be writing more about our unforgettable trip to hubby's home state in the coming days. I hope everyone had a great time welcoming 2014. Let's hope this year will be better than the last.


Weng Zaballa said…
Happy New Year to you and your family, mommy J! :)

New Year's Eve at home was spent chatting with my husband and cuddling a little lady who was so afraid of firecrackers. I thought she already outgrew it, hindi pa pala, nakatulugan ang takot sa paputok.
J said…
KJ ka naman pala pag NY eve. Post mo na pics na may snow hihi

Grabe, we're freezing here. Si F when he left for work parang Eskimo balut na balut mata lang ang kita hahaha. I had to brave the rain yesterday for that stressful visit to the Doc but I was glad it was in the 30's which gradually came down as the day went. Bukas kahit maginaw, I'm forced to head out. Ang daming errands.

Kung pwede lang layasan tong mama na magisa dito lilipad ako sa Pinas. Kaso ayaw maiwan kainis.

Enjoy your 40's. Kainggit kayo.

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