Hiding Out

Well sort of. I'm staying mostly in my office right now because football is on. It's the NFC/AFC championship today and my team is playing so I'm staying out of the bedroom until it's all over. I just don't want to get all nervous and anxious because of it so I decided to hide out here. I also closed our bedroom door so I won't hear much of the game that's going on. Tee hee...

I decided to use my time hiding out compiling and completing documents I need to report the birth of our little one to the embassy. I'm more than 10 years late in doing that so I have quite a few documents to gather. The only thing I need to do now is have some docs notarized then I'm done. Hopefully I can mail it out this week. I actually didn't know that I had to report her birth in order for her to obtain a dual citizenship. Hopefully it will be ironed out before I apply for my passport again so she can also apply for one when I do.


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