Results are In!

Early last week I went in for some routine blood work and everything came back good. At least for the ones that were tested anyway. I was kinda' worried there for a while because I didn't exactly follow what my doctor told me to do which was to have that blood work done 6 months ago. I thought my thyroid was acting up again a few months ago because I was having a hard time going to sleep and I was afraid I may have to go back to my medication. I'm glad that is not the case as shown by the result. I guess my sleep problems may have something to do with me not being able to shut down my brain when it's time to sleep. I don't think I'm alone when it comes to that. I just don't know why I go through that. Sometimes I can't even turn off a song in my head when I'm about to sleep. I should probably stop watching You Tube videos an hour before going to bed, eh?

Anywhoooo...I'm just glad that everything came back normal. I guess I just have to credit my diligence to my daily exercise which is mainly the 40 minute 2.5 miles walk I do every morning. Some days are harder than others but I'm trying my best to get on that machine 5 days a week. I'm not trying to lose anymore weight, I'm just trying to at least maintain my current one. My jelly belly still needs to go but it's sticking like jelly...ha! I still hula hoop everyday but I don't think it's doing much to firm up my midsection...or maybe it is I just don't know it. With all the sitting I do, I'd probably have a pot belly by now if not for that round piece of equipment, eh?


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