Almost There... myspace graphic comments

I remember when I used to post this cute picture almost every week. I had to so a search on this blog to find it again because I miss posting it. You can't blame me because it's such a cute picture.

The weather forecast for this weekend is something I'm not looking forward to because there is a 50% chance of rain. We've been having such lovely weather the past several days that I feel like I don't have the right to complain about that. But then again...I can so I am...complaining, I mean. Ha! It's Mother Nature though. We know that those weather forecasts are only as good as any other weather forecasts and they can change in the blink of an eye. Today we're hitting summer-like temps because we'll hit mid-80s late in the day. Right now the sun is out in full force but it's in the mid-60s. My husband is surely loving this kind of weather. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't rain in our neck of the weeds because our yard needs some mowing.


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