Big Change Coming?

So it seems anyway. I'm just playing it by ear but it may happen. Who knows, right? And that's all I'm going to say right now.

In other news...we've been having a great weather here. It's still cold but it's not gloomy and rainy like last weekend. Nope...the sun is out. The temperatures will be in the 60s at the highest but that's fine by me because we're not planning in going anywhere today. We went out yesterday but we failed in our mission. The man of the house was supposed to get a hair cut at our usual salon but they were so busy they're booked until 5 in the afternoon. We never called for appointments before and it was never that busy so we were surprised when we got there and was told of that. was the same thing last weekend as well so needless to say that we drove for nothing...for 2 consecutive weekends. Now he'll be forced to go somewhere else to get the trim.

Right now we are doing our own thing. It's still too early to tell that we're not going anywhere so we'll see. Maybe we'll be able to go biking later today. Maybe.

In the meantime I'll just finish what I'm supposed to do...prepping for a [new] job.


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