Odd...Weird, Maybe?

I try to be consistent in a lot of things I do. This is especially true when it comes to bedtime. When I was still working as a teacher my bedtime was at 10 at night. Now that I no longer have to work outside the home, my regular bedtime is at 11. But that's not what's odd or weird. It's the fact that if I go to bed beyond my regular time, I'd be having a hard time falling asleep. Shouldn't I be more sleepy since I'm going beyond my usual bedtime therefore I should be falling asleep quickly if I say go to bed at 11:30? Nope, that's not the case with me. This is the reason why I'm so darn sleepy right now. I was awake a little bit over 11 last night and of course I didn't fall asleep until around 1 AM...and I kept waking up after that. Ugh!

Anyway, I'll try to sleep an hour earlier tonight. I am hoping that I'd get a good night sleep because that's all I can think of right now. And since it's a holiday today, it's kind of a slow day as well...hence making me more sleepy. The only things keeping me awake are the chores I'm trying to finish.

That's how my Monday is going. How about yours?


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