Monday Wash Out!

What a way to welcome the week....wet! It's also St. Patrick's Day so it's a bummer for those who are celebrating today. It's expected though because it's been in the news since last week that there's a great chance it's going to be a wash out today.

The weekend weather though is the exact opposite of today's weather. To describe it in one was PERFECT on both days. The temperature stayed mostly in the mid 70s to the lower 80s. On Sunday we granted the little one's wish which was to go back to the park's bike trail and have a picnic in one of the tables along the trail. We left the house right around lunch time. We went around the bike trail one time then sat on one of the picnic benches to have our PB&J sandwiches. Yep, just PB&J and she's in heaven even if she eats that kind of a sandwich at least once during the week. After our 'sumptuous lunch I just sat around while she drew. Dad on the other hand decided to go for another ride on his bike. When he got back, the father/daughter tandem decided to go on a hike. I was left alone by the picnic area to man our beloved trikes.

After about 3 hours in the park, we decided to head home to drop off the bikes. We then headed out again to check a newly opened Sears outlet in the area. Nothing cam out of that visit because there was nothing in that store that we like so we just decided to walk around the strip. After that short walk we headed to dinner. After 'pigging' out we drove back home already. I was so stuffed from dinner that I had a hard time falling asleep. Shame. shame. shame. Oh well I guess I just have to keep on walking on the machine to get rid of all that calories I put in my body in that one sitting.


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