Spring it ON!


Those were only 2 of the things I saw on a show this morning. It looks like a lot of people are super excited to get rid of winter. Who wouldn't be when it's a particularly mean winter, eh? Technically though Spring does not happen until around 12:57 EST. Ha! Oh well. What's a few hours eh?

Spring has actually sprung in our neck of the wood days ago. The weather has been very nice except for a day when it rained a lot. In fairness the weather people around here had that rain the forecast so it was expected. But after that rainy day on Monday, it's back to gorgeous weather again. "Rainy Day on Monday"?? Hmm...doesn't that sound like the title of a Carpenter song? One of my all time fave song actually....Rainy Days and Mondays.

Anyhooo...here are some photos taken showing how early Spring came here....2 of them were taken during our weekend bike rides at the park.

This last picture was taken in front of our humble abode. It's our polonia tree sans its leaves and with only flowers on it. It's actually quite a beautiful sight.


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