Looking to Invest

After a few years of no communications I was finally able to get in touch with an older cousin who now lives comfortably somewhere in Europe. She actually first resided here in the US but married a European so she decided to move there. She's much older than me and she and her husband are close to retiring already. She learned that I live in the sunshine state so she tried to find a way to contact me because they want to find something to invest in here in my neck of the woods, well, sort of. She wants something down south actually. I am now about to her this site for miami condos to see if this is what she's looking for. She told me they want to something they can go to for vacations so I'm thinking that a condo will be perfect for them. I'm trying to convince her to get something closer to me but I can't really press it because we are also thinking of moving somewhere else in the future. When I say somewhere, I mean far, far away from here.


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