Yard Plans

So I'm back doing my favorite past time...weeding! Yep, I've been doing that since last week. I usually do it early in the morning, around 7:30 to about 9:30 everyday. Instead of walking on a machine every morning, I now go out there with a weed roller and weed picker to 'conquer' the front yard. Weeds have taken over our yard in the last couple of years. We originally planned in hiring professionals to re-sod it but we decided not to anymore. Hubby started buying plug-in sods and he's been plugging it on the bald spots of our yard. I decided to help by pulling out weeds thus creating more bald spots. Ha!

Anyway, that's the plan for the front yard. As for the backyard, we have a whole other plans for it. We want to put some fixtures there like maybe a gazebo or a swing set. Hubby already saw a swing set in chesapeake va for sale that he's interested in. I don't know if it's a good idea to order something from out of state but we may just give it a try. I like the idea of having a swing set in the backyard that we can use when the weather is as perfect as it has been like the past several days. We have a back porch we like hanging in but it would be nice to be out in the backyard swinging every now and then. Anyway, it's all plans for now. Hopefully something comes out of it before this summer is over. Fingers crossed of course.


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