Bird Watching

We see different kinds of birds around here.  Cardinals and blue jays are a couple of my favorites. We also see lovebirds, hawks and even falcons flying in our backyard almost daily. Sometimes a woodpecker would wake me up in the morning making me think someone's knocking on the around 6:30. Aside from the little birds we also get to see ibises as well as crows hanging out in our backyard especially after the grass is cut. They like freshly cut grass because they're able to dig out for food since the grass is short.

A few weeks ago hubby had an encounter with a cardinal while he was watering the plants. The little red bird probably got hot so it decided to take a shower under the water hose that hubby was using to water the plants. It was for this reason that he decided to look for a bird bath. We were supposed to look for one together but didn't have the chance to do it on a weekend when he's free. So he decided to pick one on his way home from work one day. He placed it on the flower/plant bed by the back porch since we don't have any plants planted on it anyway. Everytime we eat now we get to witness it whenever a bird needs to drink or take a dip.

I kept my camera on the table for the first couple of weeks since we got the bird bath so I could take a snap if and when a bird takes a dip or even just hang out on it. Unfortunately that didn't happen. It's either I wasn't fast enough to take the photo op or I wasn't around when it happens. Then one afternoon while we were lounging in the back porch, it happened. A cardinal [which is the only kind that takes a dip on the bird bath] started bathing. It was a very quick dip but I was able to take a snap of it while it was drying up on the side of the bath. Here's the proof

That's the DH bird watching. It's actually fun just sitting around the back porch either watching these birds do their thing or just listening to them talk. There's probably at least half a dozen different species that we hear every afternoon and we have no idea which is which but it sure is fun to just listen to them...along with the crickets. One bird I really want to see one day in our backyard which I've only been hearing is an owl. We know they're there but we don't see them. Hopefully they'll show themselves one day even just for a brief moment.


J said…
Magandang umaga! It feels good to be here this early. Namamasyal bago mamasyal talaga sa labas. Ang aga ko today :-)

I like that bird bath, it must be exciting to bird watch hahaha.

Yung may skate na halaman mo, bago ba yan for the season? Kamatis????

Siya, have a relaxing weekend. Sana'y hindi masyadong mainit dyan.

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