A Night of "F-I-R-S-Ts"

* First try at canvas painting

* First time to attend an art class

* First time to learn with a group of virtual strangers

* First time to be out of our sight for a long period of time [3 hours].

And those are the many 'firsts' the little one experienced last week. She had a lot of fun to say the least and she can't wait to experience another one in the near future.

Now let's talk about 'my firsts'. Ha!

Seriously, that's the first time that she was not within our sight for a couple of hours. To say it's scary is probably sufficient. I was also anxious on how she'd do being with a group since she's always with us only. I wasn't overly concerned but concerned nonetheless. I even gave her my cellphone so she could call us anytime she wanted to. Overkill? Yep...but hey I'm a Mom and I want to make sure she has the means to call if she has the need.

After dropping her off, the husband and I were literally at a loss as to what we should be doing. We didn't make any plans on how we should spend the time with just the 2 of us. We didn't want to go back home. We thought about hanging out in the parking lot of the studio and tinkle with our gadgets. But we decided against that and went to a couple of stores instead. The whole time we were at the store we were actually looking for stuff for the little one like a purple purse, purple watch [yep, that watch in my previous post], and anything purple we think she may like. We were like a couple of kids lost in the store honestly since we really didn't have anything in mind to buy. After a couple of hours of strolling in the stores, we decided to pick up some food because I got hungry. I ended up getting pastries instead of real food. Bad me because it meant sabotaging my so-called diet. Oh well. With about an hour left of her 3 and a half hour class, we decided to hang out, yes, in the parking lot of the studio. From where we were parked, we were able to see what they were doing in the class. I must say that my worry [of her not being able to interact well with others] was unfounded. She was getting along with the others, well, at least with those that she talked to anyway. She said there was not a lot of chance to talk to others but her seatmate because most of the time was spent painting.

Anyway, she's looking forward to the next schedule. We don't know yet as to when that will be but I'll definitely be more prepared [and relaxed] next time around,


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