
I just received a message from my dear brother. He wants me to look for some musical instruments for him and his band. His new band I should say because his old parted ways a few years ago. They had equipment and instruments then but they sold them and split the money when they disbanded. Now that he started a new one, they also have to start anew. They have their own guitars [I think] but they need a good keyboard and a set of drums and amplifiers. I told him I can't promise him anything. Online Only, that's the only place I can look since I don't drive. I can only check local music shops here on the weekend and that's only possible if the husband is free. So yep, online it is. Actually it's better because then I can send him the links of whatever I can find. So why doesn't he just do it himself? Not quite sure why actually but I'll try and help him if I can....researching that is.


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