
I'm sure I'm not alone in wondering as to where time went, right? It seems to be the case, at least to me, every year. Why is that? I guess we're too busy with life that it still catches me off guard when I realize that another year is about to close.

Anyhooo...I've been MIA for about a week now. I've been around. I even drafted a post a few days ago but for some reason, I don't feel like I should post it. It's one of those posts where I just sort of babbled away so into the trash bin it goes.

I've been sort of busy lately. I'm trying to find stuff for loved ones for the season of giving. I've been on it for the last several months actually and I'm not done yet. I was supposed to send the box 2 months ago to make sure it will make it by Christmas but it's quite hard because I don't want to just get something and them not liking it so I did what I said I wouldn't do. Ask them what they want. I did that a couple of years ago and things got out of control [read: budget!]. This time around I specifically said that I can only get what can fit in the box and there's a limit to my 'resources'...LOL. Fortunately they listened...haha. I still got a few surprises for them but most of what I got are 'special requests' so to speak. I'm still waiting for some stuff to be delivered. Hopefully, the box will be out the door by next week. Goodluck to me....


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