Good 'Ole Guitar

My sister in law used to be a lead singer in a band. That was more than 30 years ago. They had a lot of singing gigs both locally and abroad. Aside from singing, she also played the guitar so one of her first purchase when they got their first gig to sing abroad was a Yamaha guitar which she used until she quit her band to start a family. That Yamaha guitar though didn't retire because I remember using it a lot and toting it with me everwhere I went when I was still in college as well as I when I started teaching. She let me use it for as long as I wanted to but when I had to teach overseas, I decided to return it to her because I didn't want to lose it or damage it in my travels. I now have my own guitar so I don't have to borrow. But even if I have a guitar of my own, I still think about that first guitar I had. I wonder where it is now. I probably should ask next time I talk to my sister in law.


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