Is it SUMMER Yet???

With a car temperature of 102 degrees F? Yep, I think it's safe to say it is indeed summer. Of course that's only the temperature after leaving the car in the parking lot for about 2 hours in the middle of the day. It went down a few degrees lower...high 90s, after a few. Still, it was hot hot hot when we got in the car. I almost sprang out of my seat the second I sat down.

Aside from the high temps, we're also getting rain throughout the day. It usually comes late afternoon but today it started early. It's still drizzling actually...and the sun is out. Yep, that's our summer weather alright...rain AND shine at the same time. At least our plants/grass get the water they need especially when it gets really hot around here.

Nothing much happening around here except that the man of the house has started his flying lesson already. He still has a long way to go but he's bent in getting his license sooner or later. I don't know how long it will take to get it given his work schedule but I'm glad he's starting to take lessons already. He has been talking about this for quite a while now. Let's see who is getting a license first....hmmmm....


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