Guitar Hunting

A year before I left my last teaching job, I was asked to be one of the godmothers of my good friend's son. At that time I didn't know that I would be leaving. I thought I would my godson grow up to be a fine young man that he is today. He is now a teenager and he's very much into music. A few years ago my friend sent me a video of him playing the drums. That was a couple of years ago. Recently he shifted his interest to guitars so my friend has been looking at different guitar makers like g&l guitars for him. I don't think he has his own guitar yet so he's been borrowing a friend's for now. I have a guitar here but it's an acoustic guitar and he's into electric guitars so g&l guitars will be perfect for him. How I wish I can also make my little one here play an instrument. No luck for now...maybe in the future 'cause it's never too late to learn to play an instrument.


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