Drafts, Etc....

It's been a while since I last posted. I must say it's not because of the lack in attempts because I have several drafts in my folder to dispute that. The drafts though are all unfinished. Why? It's either I got disrupted by work or I just couldn't finish it one way or another. But I'm here now.

So what had happened since my last post? Not much actually. I've been trying to keep myself occupied with work mostly but I still get a bit bored most days. It used to be that surfing online would keep my entertained I don't know why but I feel like I need to go on a vacation...even if we just came back from a month-long vacation a couple months ago. I guess stress is getting into me somehow that's why I want to have a get-away. I actually miss home. I don't know what triggered it but it started a couple of weeks ago. The hundreds [maybe a thousand plus] pictures we took when we were there a few months ago are still sitting in my picture folder and I have just started going through them, weeding out the ones I don't want developed. And guess what? It's making me miss my family more so I have to stop every now and then or I would end up teary eyed. At the rate I'm going, I'd probably be done weeding through all the pictures before 2015 ends...which is just a few short months away. How time flies.

Our weekends are spent mostly at home now. It's too hot to be going anywhere without an a/c...like the mall. When we go out now, it's just to scout some places that we're interested in or just drive around or eat out. Other than that, I'd rather stay home than brave that heat and/or humidity out there. The heat is just plain brutal around here. Also, it's been raining a lot lately as well so that's also another reason I'd rather stay indoors. The little one gets bored every once in a while so that's the time we'd head out to do one [or some] of the things I mentioned above.

That's basically what's been going on around here. Nothing very exciting. One of these days I'd probably find the time to blog about our vacation in my home country and the only place we purposely visited during that stay. BATANES!


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