Helping Out

While visiting my family early last year, my younger brother asked me if he could talk to me about something real important. My brother is rather shy and there is no chance he would say that unless it's really important to him. So what could be so important he had to talk to me in private? He said that he wants to start a small business of his own. He lost his job a few years ago. He was really affected when that happened but there was not much he could do so he just accepted it and looked for another one. It wasn't easy because of his age. He was able to find one eventually but wasn't really happy with it so he left it after only a few months. He's been in and out of jobs since then so he decided to do a little research on a good business venture. After a few months of research, he finally decided on what business he wants to venture into. His only problem is his lack of capital so that's the part where I come in. He explained everything to me and I thought it's a feasible business so I talked with the husband and we agreed to help him out.

Now I really want to help him and so does the husband. He saw how hard my brother works with what he's doing at the moment so my husband knows he'll do the same with his own business. That's good enough for us. Aside from the financial help, I also want to help him some other ways I can. He said he can buy everything he needs locally but that is not stopping me from looking at premier table linens custom trade show tablecloths because I know it will be perfect for the kind of business he wants to start. He already has a lot of the things he needs. He originally planned in launching the business during the holiday season but a series of flooding in our area prevented him from doing so. That's alright. There's really no need to hurry it because it's something that can wait. Hopefully he'll be able to start soon.


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