It's the Little Things

When I checked my FB yesterday morning, I saw a lot of new updates on my friends' list. I had a hunch that it may have something to do with the much-celebrated VDay as many like to call it. And boy was I right. Most of the posts are from the  younger gen I must say. Good for them.

But just like a lot of not so young people out there, Valentines' day is no longer a big deal for me. Truth be told, it was never that big of a deal to me even when I was younger anyway...and that's whether I was in a relationship or not. It kind of became a big deal though when I was teaching because my students were in grade school and middle school. Now that's the age when things like Vday become some sort of a 'holiday' in terms of observing. For about 10 years, I would get flowers and/or gifts on that particular day regardless whether I had a special someone or not. Anyway, if I was in a relationship when the day came, I didn't expect him to get me anything because to me, even back then, it's the little things that matter. Big things are appreciated of course, but it's the day to day things that's more important to me and not any specific day.

I was actually in the process of writing a post using that title a few weeks ago, yes, way before VDay. As usual, it got stuck in my Drafts folder because I got a busy while I was writing it [part of the job I have is to stop anything I am doing when it comes] so it stayed in there until today. I only had a couple of lines in it anyway. What prompted the original post was something my dear husband got me in the store during one of his usual grocery shopping trip...a bag of coconut flakes. Yep, just that. I just felt it was so thoughtful of him to grab a bag just because he knows I love anything with coconut...which he hates. It's not the first time he's done that of course. It can be anything...a fruit, a shirt, shoes.  If he comes across anything that he feels I'd like, he'd get it.

Anyway, there's nothing wrong with giving someone you love a card, flowers, jewelry, a gift on Valentine's Day. I just hope that it's not a once a year deal though. Cliché as it may sound, Valentine's Day should be any day of the year and not just on Feb. 14 as love should be celebrated everyday. Agree?


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