Surinam Cherry

Also called 'Brazilian cherry'. We got the bush about 4 [maybe 3] years ago. Hubby planted it on the corner of our property and it grew relatively fast. It doesn't need any kind of maintenance but the husband decided to trim once a year and it grows right back. Here it is now...

I think it started bearing some fruits a year after we planted it. Today, it's full of fruits. I think it has fruit year-round but it bears more during this time of the year. I eat some off of the tree itself but I'm the only one that do so. The little one is not a big fan and the husband says it hurts his teeth. Our neighbor likes them but she can only eat so many [like me] so most of them fall on the ground. These are the fruits up close...

They're very juicy. The taste ranges from sweet to tart to very tart. Sometimes there's a little bit of a bitter taste as well and that's because of the skin I think. I can only eat about 6 or 7 at a time especially if I get the tart ones. Today, I decided to sprinkle them with salt and it helped a little with the tartness. I just wish I can think of ways to use them so they don't go to waste.


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