Oh Colin...

We had the first TS this week. Not Taylor Swift...it's actually 'Colin'...and it's the first a 'thunderstorm' of the hurricane season of 2016. Fortunately there were no thunders or storms that came our way just s little bit of rain, off and on yesterday. Needless to say the over the top coverage of 'Colin' was, um, over the top. I guess we can't blame them for overdoing the coverage and warning. As the saying goes...it's better to be safe than sorry. Right now it's a little bit windy outside but it's all clear...blue sky and sunny. I haven't heard or read that Colin did any major damage. I don't think it did but I'm sure there are isolated cases like the one boathouse that sank in a marina somewhere. The owner said he lost everything but the clothes on his back. He and his mother had to be rescued from their boathouse though. Now, that's something I didn't quite get. Why didn't they evacuate their boathouse? I believe I would have moved somewhere safer if I was in the situation. Oh well it's a personal decision for them to stay so...

The warning for Colin started well before the weekend. The forecast in and around our area was 8 inches of rain. I don't think we got a quarter of an inch. Still hubby heeded the warning and cleaned the gutters. At least he doesn't have to worry about them the next time a TS drops by. Still he kept wondering where the rain was as the day progressed on Sunday and yesterday. Me? I'm just glad it wasn't as bad as predicted.

Because of Colin and the rain prediction, we weren't able to do much this past weekend. Normally we would make plans to at least visit the pine property and just hang around there. The husband likes going there because it gives him a chance to do some mental planning on what he wants to do with it. While he goes around the property planning, marking, measuring, etc,, the little one and I either play badminton, read, or just walk around the place with him. After an hour or two of that, we would usually eat somewhere before heading home. We also go biking on some weekends either around here in the neighborhood or at a park. That's usually how we usually spend our weekend. Simple and relaxing...and I wouldn't have it any other way.


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