Winter's Here?

It feels like it anyway.

Our weather down here is so bipolar. Last week we were in the 80s, this week it's going to be in the lower 60s most days then we'll have 70s by the weekend. I think it's confused, eh? I'm used to it already...I think. Although this year it's been quite mild. Our polonia tree in front hasn't lost all its leaves yet. If I remember it correctly it should have been bald by now but I may be mistaken since my memory is no longer that reliable. Anyway I'm hoping that when March rolls in, it should look like this...

I really like this sight since everything else around here will be brown right around that time. Right now all I can see are the seed pods and some leaves that are still hanging on to dear life. As far as the our other plants/trees, they're hideous at the moment. Our flower beds are so unkempt that I barely look at them these days. Oh well. I'm hoping I'll be able to work on them in the coming weeks, at least rid them of all the dried leaves and some stubborn weeds so they're not an eyesore...but we'll see.

Anyway, the first month of the new year is almost up. Yep, it seems to have gone so fast...again. The next month will be shorter so I'm guessing it will even be faster. That's alright as long as we're having fun, eh?


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