Now He's in the Ellen Show...


I knew it!! Remember this entry from yesterday? Well, I am now watching the Ellen Show and guess who was mentioned in the show when Ellen talked about the American Idol premiere....yes, Renaldo Lapuz.

I guess he's going to be another William Hung. Remember him? He's probably the most famous non-finalist in AI history. Mr. Lapuz may just give him a run for his money now though. They usually have a lot of "unusual" wannabes [sorry for the word] during the AI auditions but they chose Mr. Lapuz to feature in the Ellen show. As expected, he has numerous You Tube videos now. There are 5 pages with 20 frames on each page, I think...about 100 You Tube Videos last time I checked.

Oh, based on some of the You Tube I've seen so far, Mr. Lapuz may be a Filipino, yes a kababayan. Maybe I should star thinking about auditioning at AI myself, huh? Who knows, I may end up at the Ellen Show... the Tonight with Jay Leno or maybe even at Oprah's Show! Should I?


Ritchelle said…
I'll be your number one supporter.Balato nalang pagmay album ba!heheheh..
Anonymous said…
sikat na sikat na nga sya, talo tayo ah! LOL!

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