What Are You Worth???


Years ago, in London, Sir Moses Montefiore, the well known industrialist and philanthropist, was meeting with the British Queen over tea. In a very “un-British” manner, the Queen asked, “So tell me, Sir Moses, what are you worth?” He replied, “My dear Queen, please allow me to go through my records and I will present you the information in a week.”

So they met again for tea and Sir Moses presented the Queen with an accounting of his “Worth”. To which the Queen commented, “Sir Moses, this is truly a very large amount, but I personally know that your holdings in a particular project are worth more than this.”

Sir Moses smiled and said, “My dear Queen, you are mistakenly comparing how much money I have vs. How Much I Am Worth. The money I have, God gave to me, and it can be taken away at any time. It is not truly mine.

The amount I gave you on the paper is what I have given away to help others – to build hospitals and support orphanages, to help my brothers and sisters the world over. This is what I am worth, as it can never be taken away from me.

This is Rex Barker challenging you all to increase your true “worths” in life.


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