Rainy, Stormy Friday Afternoon!


Ain't that fun? It's been drizzling here for a bit now. I'm fine with a little rain every now and then since we're just in the house. I just don't like the thunders and lightnings that come along with it.

There hasn't been any power interruption but our cable box for the living room TV is D-E-A-D! Not sure what happened but my little one just noticed that the time on it is gone and there's only a few lines on it. It's a good thing we're almost out of here or I may have to deal with some incompetent CS from our cable provider.

The husband called already. He says they're on their way home from Georgia...another 5 hour or so driving for him. That means he'll be home around 10 PM. I am, of course, on edge until he makes it home safely.

Gotta go and do some more hopping before the power goes out on me again.


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