Our Life: The Musical


This is a continuation of my earlier post about our non-stop chatter/singing box.

Yes, she's still singing up until this minute. She's now watching her shows. I thought it's going to be quiet for about an hour or so. Yeah, right! That's wishful thinking. Everytime there's a gap in her shows, she'd get up and SING! She even sings in the shower now that she's doing it all on her own. I never, ever, sung in the shower!

She's been singing: "I've Been Working On a Railroad" on and off since Dad got home. So in-between her shows she was singing it again. But this time with a twist...after the part on the song that goes: "Dinal blow your horn"....she would blow on her flute! When we heard it the first time, we just shook our heads and smiled. But after about the 15th time...we just raised our hands and gave up! So now the husband came up with the title...

"Our Life: The Musical"

So when you don't see me posting here....we're in probably in Broadway!!! Woo hooo...

Oh..in case you're not familiar with "I've Been Working on a Railroad"....I found it in You Tube. Here it is:


Pretty Me said…
Hi Ate J! Weeehhh! I've Been Working on a Railroad is a nice song... Thanks for sharing... Also, thanks a lot for all your advices... I love you... for always being straight to me. What should I do? Would I let him know my real feelings?
Vhiel said…
oh that is cute... my little one usually sings the theme song of Jay jay the jet plane.. she would sing it on the top of her lungs... makikita mo na yung mga ugat ugat nya when she is singing it... lol

as for my test.. i did took it last wednesday... that was a bummer... its not difficult but since its time I didn't get to finish most of the questions... so that might be a bust for me..

no worry though I can take it again next year if I didn't make it..
Norm said…
hi sis! sana kapitbahay tayo para padalhan kita ng maraming cherries.. hindi ako familiar sa I've been working on a railroad pero cute sila, si papa piolo lang kasi familiar ko, hehehe. Thanks for the visit..
Michelle said…
haha ang cute ng title ha at hubby mo pa ang gumawa ng title. oks lang me, busy pa rin sa blogging and life. :)
Gorgeous MUM said…
kaiden loved that song too, from the sesame street video! looks liks you've got a modeal and and a singer in the making! hahaha! you may no longer need ipod, radio and tv, for you've got a live entertainment almost 24 hours a day! lol!

re: baking. well, that's a new adventure i'm trying. done it 3 times now and so far, i did well!
Lynn said…
That's really nice. For sure, you'll have fun in broadway. (",)

Have anice day ahead, sis!
Ritchelle said…
Oh my...

We were talking about that song with a friend during the barbecue invitation,di ko naman alam na may original version pala nung ke Gloria labandera hikhik..

"Don't sing in the shower!"Yun po ang campaign dito to conserve water.Laking taka ko naman bat bawal kumanta,un pala eh wag daw magtagal sa shower hahaha...

Regards to your little Lea S.

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