Sumptuous Lunch....

...and if you're like me who have been missing the food I grew up eating, a sumptuous lunch [or any other meal for that matter] does not involve steak or any of those 'fancy' sounding meals you only read about.

Rice, tomatoes, [fried] fish and kamote tops [talbos ng kamote]. That's S-U-M-P-T-U-O-U-S lunch for me...and that's what I just had for lunch. I have not been 'harvesting' my greens for the last few weeks so you can only imagine how much leaves they have on them. I didn't forget about them though. I just thought I'd let them 'flourish' a little more....and flourish they did in about 2 weeks. I actually had to cut several of the stems already because they're getting quite long. The result? I probably have 2 more 'sumptuous' meals in the days to come. Woo hooo.....

Here's a photo [again] of my lovely greens....teee heee....


Gorgeous MUM said…
So you actually have those there? Good for you, that you can grow your own! Does Erica like having those "sumptuous" lunches of yours?
Anonymous said…
taksyapu kanyaman da reng kamoteng ayan. patong lang sa sinaing yan tapos sawsaw sa toyo at calamansi. Solve!
Chubskulit Rose said…
wow talbos ng camote, sarap nyan for cocido (fish soup) hehehe..
honey said…
Hi ate J... Ang kulit mo.. tee hee! Have a blesses Monday!
J said…
wala pa rin ako nyan. kakagutom!
John Martines said…
I love Kamote tops!
Seeking beautiful Filipinas?
Unknown said…
Hi Mommy Jul! I've been reading your posts but I haven't really posted any comments for a long time. Sorry about that :(

Anyway, I remember the simple vegetable soup I used to have growing up and then pair with grilled fish... mmmm, yum! makes me hungry right now. Last year my mom sent me some malunggay seeds and some japanese eggplant too. The eggplants I see here are huge and very seedy, I don't like it at all.

Thanks for always stopping by my blog and leave comments. So here I am too finally returning the favor :D

Have a great week!
Ciela said…
Hi J! I thought I already left my comment here.

I also like Camote tops especially with sawsawang bagoong w/ calamansi. yummy!

September na! Christmas time na naman! he he..

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