And Again....


It's been a busy week for me....and the husband as well. Work has been coming in since last weekend. I know it's not going to last forever so I'm trying to work as much as I can. The husband has been really busy at work as well. Funny that when he's busy at work, I'm also busy with mine...and our work are not in any way 'related'. Is it a [good] sign that the economy is getting better? Who knows, right?

My laptop is back from the shop. They replaced quite a few parts...including the processor. Before we sent it in, the husband already knew they're going to replace it because it smelled like it got fried...I guess it did. They reformatted my hard drive though so I didn't lose anything. Thank goodness for that.

My ever dependable 'antique' laptop is now resting comfortably. I'm going to put it back in its 'resting' place hoping and praying that I won't need to take it out ever again....well, at least not in the next year or so. It deserves a long rest.

Weekend will be same-o, same-o for us. There's a chance that hubby is working this weekend and there's an even greater chance that I will be working as well. I guess I can do my work in the back porch to let the little one run around in the backyard.

That's about! So if you don't see me much, you know I'm just busy. Still around....just plain busy to go around hopping....


Ciela said…
Ang saya! Everybody has work to do. Same here, kaya lang yung sa 'kin nae-expire lang. Sobrang masama ang pakiramdam ko. Kakatapos lng mag-caregiver ke daughter, ngayon naman si son. Hay nakoh.. ang hirap!

41 days na lang xmas na. Excited ka na ba?
bluedreamer27 said…
have a great say mommy J

by the way, i just posted something about you know something about them please feel free to share your thoughts
*Tock! Tock! Katok!* Na, guess ko na ikaw hehehe.

Hi Ate J! Kumusta? Long time no see, matagal akong nawala sa blogging scene, tinamad kasi ako hahaha.

I'm glad that you got your lappy back. I really love the customer service by HP. Everything is done so efficiently.

It's good that you're getting more jobs, which means more money yipee LOL!

Napansin ko na ang dali nang panahon, napakaweird... malapit na ang Xmas!!! Yipee!

Sige ate, have a great week!

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