Here We Go Again...

So much to do, very little time to do it...but, it's Friday so who cares, right? Woot! Woot!

I'm a wee bit way over my head with work. I've been staying up late so I'm like a walking zombie most of the time. I'm trying to finish what needs done but all I really want to do right now is sleep. Help?

But like I said, it's Friday and that alone makes me feel like jumping up and down...will do that later though because I'm way too tired to even lift a toe. I'll try to relax and sleep as much as I can this weekend. I don't think we have any plans to go anywhere...that may change of course. For one, we had to cancel some things we ordered for the little one's bedroom because one of the pieces we ordered was discontinued already so we just cancelled the whole set.

The store offered another piece for the discontinued one but the reason we chose what we did was because it's a SET. Anyway, there's no rush. We just thought it's time to 'upgrade' the little one's bedroom because she's not so little anymore? HUWWAAATTT??? Did I just admit she's not a baby anymore???? I must NEED that sleep more than I thought, eh?


Ciela said…
Well, I guess it's time for you to admit that your baby is no longer a baby but already a young lady! Time flies quickly that you'll just be stunned one day finding you have another smart lovely lady in the house. Her taste will keep on changing as she grows up kaya be ready for more transformations around you. ha ha..

Super bilis talaga ng araw! TGIF na naman! Have a nice one!
J said…
may pusa ka na, may aso pa hehehe.

eto nagpaparamdam lang.

have a carefree weeekend!
Nance said…
they grow so fast, don't they?
anyway, go get some sleep, my friend, sounds like you badly needed it! lol
Unknown said…
Hey Jul! I'm back! I deleted my other blog since I can't keep with my brain :) I miss reading your posts! I'll be here more often :)

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