American Idol Season 10

It's almost been a month now since the season premier. I posted a video of the 'bad' auditions of the season premier but I won't be posting anymore today. But if you want to see more of the bad auditions, check them out here. I think it's going to be Hollywood week already next week but I'm not certain about that yet. The hubby has been watching it regularly and his's a lot less stressful watching it. He said he likes the new 'aura' of the show and he likes the 2 new judges. I guess he got tired watching & listening to Simon's biting remarks.

And Simon Cowell? Of course he doesn't like the new AI without him. Big surprise! Not! He actually said that the new AI is like the musical version of Home Make Over or was it Extreme Home Makeover? His new show...the X-Factor will be premiering soon as well so he's been all over the media circuit promoting it. He said his new show will definitely be better than American Idol...again.....big surprise!

I wonder if the husband will also be watching this new show. Maybe. Maybe not. He usually watches one show then goes from there so we'll see...


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