Slow Days....

That's how it feels anyway since my other job is still on a standstill. That may change soon though because we just heard word that we 'may' start getting busy again real soon. When that happens I'll be whining of how busy I am I'm sure. Odd...

Anyway, I've been going through this blog's archive and it's kinda amazing to backtrack and read old entries I tell you. One thing's for early days as a blogger revolved around 'tags' or as we like to call them 'memes'. Most of them were 'getting to know you' stuff like '7 Random Facts About Me', or things about 'My Better Half', or 'When We Were Young'...etc. I'm not sure if new bloggers still do these types of tags/memes but they were sure fun when I was just starting. We learned a lot about our 'blogger buddies' and it felt like we knew each other even if we've never met in person.

As I was backtracking through the old posts I also came across a lot of bloggers who no longer maintain a blog today. I tried clicking some of their links through the tags or the comments they left but most of them don't work anymore. I still remember some of them.

Oh well...I may just continue to 'walk down my blogging memory lane' until I get busy with work again. Or maybe I can go through my 'friends' list and start deleting broken links. Hmmm....


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