Road Trip - Day 4 Continuation

Part 1 of Day 4 is here.

After having lunch in Pagudpud, we continued on with our road trip. It's early afternoon so the mighty sun was raging and it was smoldering hot. But nothing can stop these irregular tourists. We first went to the famous Bangui Wind Farm. Hubby is intrigued by these windmills so he really took some time to check them out while the rest of us just walked around the beach. We were all walking around with the sun hats. Come to think of it, that's the only time I can remember that I wore a sun hat. Hmmm....

There wasn't much to see but the windmills so we only stayed there for a few minutes. After some picture taking and after buying a couple of souvenirs ~ shirts & windmills replicas ~ we went to our next destination which is the Cape Bojeador Lighthouse or more commonly known as Burgos Lighthouse. I can no longer remember the history behind this lighthouse but I'm pretty sure this is taught in Phillipine history when I was in elementary. I got this map in wikipedia as to where this lighthouse is located.

Yep, we made it to the tip of Luzon....LOL. Anyway, here are some pics from that stop.

The little explorer that she is, she really wanted to get in the rooms in that structure so she tried to check [and open] any door she came across with. Unfortunately all the doors that lead to any of the rooms are padlocked. Also, because of the unsafe state of the structure, visitors can not go to the very top of the lighthouse. You can just imagine how bummed our little explorer was when she realized she couldn't go on the very top.

After this stop, we drove a few hours back to see another tourist attraction - The Heritage in Vigan. That's going to be my next installment for this road trip entries. Till then...


Ciela said…
Huling, looking at these photos, the more that I want to see Ilocos again, sooner than our plan. What a big disappointment for the young explorer! So, di na pala pwede akyatin yung top ng lighthouse. Wehh! Sayang naman!

Nonetheless, I'm as disappointed now as she was then. Kasi talo si Pacquiao! Hihi.. well it's not always sunny days!hehe..

Hope you weekend is great so far!

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