Everything Purple

It used to be pink, now it's all purple. That's our little one's latest obsession. Well, she's always liked purple but she used to like pink more. Now, it's just purple because pink is for little kids. Huh? That's what she said anyway.  How obsessed is she with the color you may ask? We got a plastic watch a few months ago. It's of course purple and she chose it. It's a rather cheap watch so quality is of course not the best. There were a few to choose from but she chose this one which was the cheapest in the bunch.

As you can see, it's purple. But that's not the story here. After a few weeks of daily use, the plastic band broke. It didn't totally broke off. She was bummed to say the least and showed it to Daddy McG. Glue gun won't work to put it back together so McG used the next best thing....stapler. It worked...for about a week... then it broke again. Stapled it again. When it first broke I asked her if she wanted it replaced already. We even went to the store to look for a replacement or a replacement band [which is more expensive than the watch itself]. No can do. She didn't find one to her 'taste'. Not purple enough, I guess? She went for a few weeks wearing the poor 'stapled' watch. All those times we were busy looking for a replacement for it. Finally we found one last weekend that she likes. It's not as purple but it has some streaks of purple that she really loves. She was a bit hesitant at first but she finally gave in. Now she has a new favorite watch. It's a little bit more expensive so we're hoping it won't break after a few weeks of daily use. Btw, we got a second one...just in case.


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