That's me almost everyday of my life. Some days are worse than the others but just like my allergies, I have learned to just deal with it since it seems to be part of my system...yes, just like my allergies. Anyway, it's been a 'semi-productive' day for me. "Semi" because I wasn't able to finish everything I wanted to get done. For one I wasn't able to walk on the Mobia today because I got caught up with paperworks ~ lireally because I was punching holes on them so I can put them on a binder. I'm pretty sure half of the papers are not important [blank forms, etc] but I don't have the time to go through the 'yard thick' papers we have accummulated. I tried to go through what I could and shredded them until I blew up a fuse so that's about. I still have a bunch of papers to go through and I'm hoping I'll finish them before the week is over...but that is unlikely. I can wish though, right? It's almost the middle of the ...